Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Challenge #408 - Birthdays

 Welcome to our new challenge! Our theme coincided brilliantly because it's our

9th Birthday!!

I would like to thank all the current and past designers over the last 9 years that have made this challenge blog so successful! Here's to another 9 years :)

And to YOU our followers! We have wonderful crafters still linking up challenge after challenge and since the beginning! Without you, there wouldn't be any point in having this blog :)

Our designers have come up with wonderful birthday inspiration - 

We would also like to welcome back Nandini! Nandini is a wonderful asset to ATSM and thanks for joining our team!

(coming soon)


(coming soon)

Have fun and thank you for linking up!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Congratulations! Just an year short of a decade - so I should say here's the next decade too!! :D

  2. And a very Happy 9th birthday to the challenge and the Design Team


  3. Congratulations to the 9 very successful years. It was also my pleasure to once support this team for the challenge before my baby break. Please continue with your challenge. They are wonderful. Thank you for the work you do to make it happen.
    Kind regards from stempelfrida


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