Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Challenge #304 - CAS

Hello and welcome to Wednesday which means a new challenge here at ATSM. This week we are looking for you to create - 

That's right. Clean and Simple is what we want!

First, let's announce our winners for Challenge #302 Make Your Mark

Color Your Season Double Z Fold box card created by Jenny Hall at for #cardmaking #cardmaker #fancyfold #doublezfoldboxcard #addinktivedesignsteam #addinktivedesigns #cardmakingtechniques #blendedseasons #coloryourseason #watercolorpainting #watercoloring #pansies #friendship #papercraft #woodtexturesdsp #cascards #jennyhall #jennyhalldesign #jennystampsup #stamping #stampinup #stitcheddies

Congratulations everyone!

Here are our Designers with their CAS creations for you -

Wonderful inspiratiion for you! Over to you now and have fun!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Thank you so much for choosing my card as one of the Honorable Addicts! Congrats to Jenny, Loraine and Janet too!!

  2. Thanks so much for the Top Addict!

  3. Love to see all these delicious clean, crisp cards ... thanks for the inspiration! Anita :)

  4. Congratulations to the winner and HM's! Oh, I love clean and simple week, and the design team cards are fabulous!


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